Here are some of the best diet and weight loss solutions you will find!!
Cheat your way thin
Kidney Diet Secrets
Gout Diet Guide
Get Lean Program
The Truth About Losing Thigh Fat
Cash In On The New Hot Trend in Weight Loss | Fast Growing Fat Loss
Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough
Action Weight Loss
Lose 30 In Thirty
Fat Loss Shocker *Proven System
Kidney Diet Secrets
Gout Diet Guide
Get Lean Program
The Truth About Losing Thigh Fat
Cash In On The New Hot Trend in Weight Loss | Fast Growing Fat Loss
Dr. Mercola's Total Health Breakthrough
Action Weight Loss
Lose 30 In Thirty
Fat Loss Shocker *Proven System
Get Out and Play: Top 7 Outdoor Exercises
Do you remember when our parents used to yell at us to go outside and play? They would get so tired of us running around the house munching junk food and fighting with our siblings that they would practically kick us out of the house!
Well, we may not have the same child-like activities lined up to get outside for anymore, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't still get out and enjoy the world! Exercising outdoors has many benefits, and they include the following:
- Little or no equipment needed to get a good workout
- No crowded gyms or obnoxious people to put up with
- No driving time to the local fitness facility
- No need to put on makeup or special clothing to workout at the gym
- Vitamin D enhancing sunshine for our skin
- The ability to workout anytime, anywhere - even on vacation
- Two words: Fresh Air
There are probably other reasons that you can think of why an outdoor workout would fit into your particular lifestyle, so now all you have to do is learn what kind of activities can be done outside.
Refer to the following Top 7 list of exercises that are sure to leave you sweaty, worn out, and feeling great when it's all over!
Like all exercises, lunges should be done with absolutely perfect form. When done correctly, a lunge will work every single muscle in your legs at some point throughout the movement, including the all important Gluteus Maximus (that's the primary buttocks muscle, for those of you not anatomically inclined).
Variations on lunges that require no equipment include; Standing Lunges, Alternating Lunges, Elevated Lunges, Rear Lunges, and Walking Lunges.
Push ups have always been one of the most effective upper body exercises, but they have somehow gotten lost in the world of shiny chest press machines and fleets of various types of exercise benches. However, the push up is still an incredibly productive exercise, and it requires no equipment whatsoever.
The 3 basic push up movements include Standard Grip, Wide Grip, and Close Grip. Alternating those 3 types will ensure maximal stimulation to the chest, shoulders, and triceps. In addition, you can elevate your hands to make the movement somewhat easier, or elevate your feet to make the movement somewhat harder.
Also, if you are really feeling brave, you can even throw in some Bounce and Clap Push Ups!
Many people simply don't understand the incredible power of doing a Squat the right way. Through improper instruction, inappropriate form, and just plain laziness, the incredible effectiveness of the Squat has been lost in the mix.
Variations including Standing Squats, One-Leg Squats, Plie Squats, Wide-Stance Squats, and Overhead Squats. Think you can't get enough stimulus out of Squats? Try doing 50 perfectly formed repetitions and see how tired your legs are!
Brutal is the best word to describe this exercise when done properly! Using nothing more than a picnic bench, a piece of playground equipment, or even just a decent size rock, you simply step up onto your elevated surface, step down, and then repeat on the other side alternating back and forth.
By keeping your back straight and your head up the entire time, you will maximize recruitment of all of your leg muscles, and you will get an incredible cardiovascular workout as well. Go for perfect form and you will quickly see the benefit of this great exercise.
The outdoor version of Chin Ups and Pull ups can be done using anything from a low-hanging tree branch to any number of different pieces of playground equipment.
When done properly, Chin Ups and Pull Ups will humble most people, even avid exercisers. Bring your body up completely until your chin is at or above your hands, and lower back to the start under control. Repeat for as many as you can do!
Don't try this one until you can run a good 100-yard dash on level ground! This exercise is just what it sounds like - running uphill. Run up a decent size hill as fast as you can, walk back to the bottom, and repeat. Bring oxygen, but leave your pride at home, or else the hill will take it from you!
This exercise is so simple, yet about as hard as it gets. Simply squat down until your thighs are at or below parallel to the ground, stay in that position, and start walking. Go about 10 steps and then walk backwards to your starting point. Repeat as many times as necessary (which won't be many) to reach total exhaustion!
As you can see, doing outdoor exercises has all of the benefits listed above including one benefit that wasn't listed - they are hard! If you are up to the challenge and sick of the gym, give your body and your mind an Earth-moment and get outside and play!
Top 10 Workout Tips
Getting the most from your workout time is essential; your time is precious right? So
let’s make sure you squeeze the maximum from your workout with these top tips.
Use a Workout Log
If you aren’t logging your workouts, you’ve not got the data to progress.
Set Goals
To perform effectively you need to know why you’re working out when you don’t
feel like it!
Stay Hydrated
Most of your body is made up of water, don’t get depleted during your workout
otherwise you can’t perform at the top level.
Be well equipped
Have the best clothing and equipment you can afford, you’ll workout better and stay
more comfortable.
Plan your Workout
If you meander around the equipment you’re wasting valuable time and you aren’t
Don't be a workoutaholic
Going to the gym or working out all the time leads to staleness and injuries - don’t be
a bore!!
Warm up correctly
A poor warm up will lead to poor gains and injuries, spend the time to get that blood
Stretch after exercise
Stretching can help the body to rid it’s self of the chemical build ups that cause
muscle soreness. No one likes to walk like Frankenstein after our workouts!!
Give yourself a holiday
Every few months, give yourself a few days off. Your body will appreciate it and you
will return with renewed vigour.
Keep it fresh
Mix up your workout sessions, join a class, try a new machine, change your strength
days. Shock your body into new growth.
Eight Weight Loss Tips
There are a lot of “crash” diets out there that promise that you’ll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week. I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly.
One thing you don’t want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets. After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.
Lets be honest, people want to lose weight and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking. To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.
There are however some proven tried and true methods for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.
1. Don’t skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.
2. Don’t eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.
3. Don’t snack while watching TV. It’s acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.
4. Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.
5. Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes.
6. Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.
7. Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods.
8. Exercise at least a half hour each day for 5 days out of the week.
Here is a free guide on the top 100 fitness tips, Enjoy!
Always see a qualified doctor before embarking on an exercise program. The author / distributors
accepts no liability of injury or death caused from the information in this report. Use
of this information is at your own risk
accepts no liability of injury or death caused from the information in this report. Use
of this information is at your own risk
6 Simple Steps To LifeLong Weight Loss
If You are sick of losing the same weight over and over, and feeling like a failure because your last "diet" didn't work, try these tips to not only lose weight, but lose it for good. I have watched hundreds of clients over the years and almost without exception, those that lose their weight once and for all have these six basic habits as a part of their lives.
1. Keep a food diary
For at least five days and up to a week, keep a pen and paper handy and write down everything you eat, how much, where and when you ate it and who you ate with. try to write it down as you eat it. Most people find that when they try to remember everything at the end of the day, they leave something out. I have also had clients tell me that they didn't eat something because they knew they were going to have to write it down. Be completely honest with yourself. You don’t need to show anyone the results, but most will be very surprised by them. Particular environments and people can often trigger certain eating behaviors that are redily apparent when you use a food log. free fitness journal/food log.2. Don’t eat too little
Very low calorie diets will, in the short term, help you lose weight but they’re extremely difficult to maintain. You’ll gradually become tired and irritable, lack the energy to exercise, and people won’t want to eat with you because the long list of ‘taboo’ foods renders restaurant menus, and even family meals at home, unsuitable for your overly strict diet. For a more detailed description of the effects of low calorie diets click here.3. Neither feast nor fast - They weren't kidding when they said "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Studies show that those who skip the first meal, end up eating more total calories throughout the day and tend to make less healthy choices. Try to eat at least 3 meals a day. Optimally you should spread your calories throughout 6 small meals per day. This will keep your metabolism bustling and yuor blood sugar level even to help avoid binging.
4. Freshness Counts - The packaging and processing generally found in "convenience" foods generally reduce the nutrient values of foods and substantially raise the caloric content. The American Dietetic Association recommends at least 3 - 5 servings from the fruit and vegetable group per day. no time to prepare "home made meals? Try preparing in bulk on the week ends to make healthy choices readily available. Cut up a large bowl of fresh fruit, (1c = 1 serving) or pre make a large bowl of salad or cut up veggies. I usually prepare a weeks worth of chicken or pork so i can quickly re heat it and add it to any recipe.
5. Hydrate your way to quicker weight loss
Drink water ahead of coffee, tea, or soft drinks. Including the ‘hidden’ water we consume in food, we need 64 oz. per day. More is recommended to counteract the dehydration caused by caffeinated beverages and intense exercise or excessive heat.How much do we need to drink? In general you should be drinking enough water per day so that your urine is nearly clear.
6. Eat less, exercise more
The great thing about food diaries is they show you much where you can cut the number of "extra" (calories). Many people eat out of habit when they are not even hungry. you may also need to make dietary changes if you begin or increase the intensity of a fitness program.I know, you are going to say, "I don't have time because ...(insert your favorite excuse here) Ask yourself this..."how much more energy will I have when I am not carrying around this extra _____ pounds? How many more things will I enjoy and feel god while doing when I am in a fit healthy body? Is it worth a few minutes a day to incorporate these simple habits into your day?
Stubborn Fat: Does It Affect You?
EVERYONE walking the face of this earth has an abundance of fat cells throughout their bodies. In fact, if you’re a healthy adult with normal body composition, you have approximately 30 billion fat cells. This is an astronomical number when you think about it. Did you ever wonder why you have so many? Have you ever wondered what those fat cells are for?
Fat Cells Are Genetically Programmed
The answer is, fat cells are part of our genetic code and they enable us to use stored energy when food is scarce. This survival mechanism works very much the same today as it did 10,000 years ago. However, there is an abundance of food in modern society today, and we no longer need to store so much fat to survive.
When you consume too many calories, your body goes into storage mode for the “lean times,” so to speak, but the lean time never comes. So your body simply stores those extra calories as fat. When you eat fewer calories than your body demands, your cells release stored fat for energy. Pretty simple equation; however, not all fat is the same.
The Solution to Stubborn Fat
So what is the real solution? It’s simple: you must understand how fat cells work and how to move past the plateau phenomenon and lose the last bit of body fat—what we call “stubborn fat.”
I have worked with many clients and I would say most of them have a good amount of stubborn body fat. This fat is literally programmed to be very difficult to lose. It seems to remain on our bodies no matter what we do, hence the phrase stubborn fat. Most modern diets and weight loss programs seem to work in the beginning, but they never really address this crucial part of fat loss—the last bit of stubborn fat.
Two Types of Enzymes That Affect Fat Storage
Although the construction of male and female fat cells is basically the same, they differ vastly when it comes to size and function. To begin with, women’s fat cells are five times larger than men’s! In addition, not only are women’s cells capable of holding more fat, they are genetically programmed to do so. It all comes down to enzymes:
Lipogenic—Fat-storing enzymes
Lipolytic—Fat-releasing enzymes
Even though these enzymes are present in both men and women, women’s bodies have two times the number of lipogenic (fat-storing) enzymes, and only half the number of lipolytic (fatreleasing) enzymes. This is the genetic legacy of women’s role as the childbearing gender of the species. Nature wanted to ensure that women carried enough fat cells to nurture their growing babies and to breast-feed them after they were born. A baby inutero requires the mother to burn at least 300 extra calories a day, and breast-feeding can require as much as 500 extra calories.
This information is take from my other blog